O&M – AMC, ARC, Man Power Supply

The principal features of our O&M activities are:

  • Well trained teams
  • Optimum plant availability
  • Reduced downtime and surprise breakdowns
  • Guaranteed technical performance
  • High level of reliability and safety
  • Optimization of inventory
  • Continuous research and improvements
  • Minimization of maintenance cost
  • No hidden operating costs

Our focus is on minimizing maintenance costs and optimizing plant availability, with the emphasis on safety. We firmly believe in maintaining an absolutely safe working environment. Towards this end, our Safety Department continuously trains, motivates and audits the sites where our employees work. This is driven through well-established systems, procedures, manuals and work instructions. We also extend our support services to pre-commissioning, erection and commissioning of power plants, and shutdown services. We provide clients with performance-based operation and maintenance services or only maintenance services on a turnkey basis.

Special System

    • Best Maintenance Practice Implementation
    • Root Cause Analysis

      • Corrective & Preventive Actions
    • Improvement Projects Implementation
      • SAP Co-ordination, Preparation

    • Pressure Parts Maintenance
      • Industrial Equipment Maintenance & Overhauling

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

