WAACAB – AC & DC Cables


  1. BOM of Cable and Wire
  2. Conductor: Copper, Aluminum
  3. Insulation: PVC, XLPE, XLPO
  4. PVC, XLPE, XLPO            
  5. Inner Sheath
  6. Armour
  7. Outer Sheath
  8. Categories of Cables
  9. EHV- 230 kV to 1100 kV
  10. HV- 69 kV to 230 kV
  11. MV- 600 V to 69 kV
  12. LT- up to 600/1100 V
  13. Products we are ready to Supply within 7 Days
  14. Solar Cable – 2.5, 4, 6, 10 & 16 Sq. mm
  15. Submersible Flat Cable (for Pumps) – 1.5, 2.5, 4 & 6 Sq. mm
  16. House Wire – 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16 & 25 Sq. mm
  17. Welding Cable – 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70 & 95 Sq. mm
  18. Rubber Battery Cables – 16, 25, 35, 50,70, 95, 120, 150, 185 & 240 Sq. mm
  19. Aluminum Armoured Cable
    • For 3 & 3.5 Core – 95, 120, 150, 185, 240 & 300 Sq. mm
    • For 4 Core – 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70 & 95 Sq. mm
  20. Flexible Cable-4 Sq. mm (2 & 4 Core)
  21. Solar Cables:

Difference between Cable and Solar Cable

  • The normal dc cables are made with PVC insulation. whereas the solar cables are made with XLPO/XLPE insulation.
  • The normal dc cable life is five to eight years. whereas the solar cable life is min 25yrs guaranteed. as the life of the cable increases the insulation loses the property and efficiency get down. where as in solar cable the max efficiency down only by 10% after 25yrs of service also.


A Solar Cable is referred to as a single conductor, smaller in diameter. the global solar cable market has been segmented on the basis of its product type, cable type, application, and end-user. In terms of product type, the solar cable market is segmented into copper and aluminum alloy.

Currently, copper-based cables provide for the maximum demand, which is a reflection of its several advantages over aluminum alloys such as flexibility, low        resistivity, stability, strength, and better corrosion resistance.

Application-wise, the market has been classified into solar panels wiring,   underground       service      entrances and service terminal connections. In terms of various end users, the market is categorized into residential, commercial and industrial.

  1. Applications of Solar Cable

Solar cables are intended for use in photovoltaic power supply systems and similar applications as free hanging, movable, fixed installation and buried in ground in constructional covered systems. The cables can be used indoor, outdoor, in hazard explosion areas, in industry and agriculture. They are suitable for applications in equipment with protective insulation.

These cables are suitable for permanent outdoor long-term use, under variable and harsh climate conditions.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

